Обложка журнала
Title (English)
Language of publication
Russian, English
1998-7072 (print)
Periodicity (English)

Monthly, 12 issues per year

Russian science citation index:
Yes 8488
Russian higher attestation Commission:
Status New
Volume 17 № 15
Status New
Volume 17 № 14
Status New
Volume 17 № 13


Pravila dlya avtorov


Zhurnal «Vestnik tehnologicheskogo universiteta» sostavlyaetsya iz original'nyh statey teoreticheskogo i eksperimental'nogo haraktera veduschih specialistov, rabotayuschih v razlichnyh oblastyah, razvivaemyh v nastoyaschee vremya v FGBOU VO «KNITU», nauchnyh i obrazovatel'nyh uchrezhdeniyah, promyshlennyh predpriyatiyah Respubliki Tatarstan, Rossiyskoy Federacii i za rubezhom, a takzhe nauchnyh obzorov, tematika kotoryh podpadaet pod kakoy-libo iz ukazannyh v p. 2.3 razdelov Zhurnala.

Pri oformlenii predstavlyaemyh k publikacii materialov sleduet priderzhivat'sya sleduyuschih perechislennyh nizhe obschih pravil:

1. Avtory napravlyayut podgotovlennyy k publikacii tekst stat'i i soprovoditel'nye dokumenty v redakcionnuyu kollegiyu Zhurnala, avtorizovavshis' v platforme po rabote  s nauchnymi stat'yami na sayte Zhurnala po adresu https://vestniktu.ru/, s posleduyuschim predostavleniem vseh pechatnyh originalov dokumentov, v tom chisle, teksta stat'i, podpisannogo vsemi avtorami, po adresu: korpus A Kazanskogo nacional'nogo issledovatel'skogo tehnologicheskogo universiteta, kom. 335 samostoyatel'no ili pochtovym otpravleniem po adresu: 420015, g. Kazan', ul. K. Marksa, d. 68, KNITU, zaveduyuschemu redakciey Zhurnala «Vestnika tehnologicheskogo universiteta».

Predostavlyaya materialy k publikacii, avtory dolzhny garantirovat', chto oni ranee nigde ne publikovalis' i ne nahodyatsya na rassmotrenii v drugih izdaniyah.

2. Elektronnyy variant stat'i oformlyaetsya v vide fayla stat'i v formate docx v dvuhpolosnoy forme i dolzhen soderzhat' (sm. primer nizhe): indeks UDK, dalee na russkom i angliyskom yazykah: inicialy i familii avtorov; nazvanie stat'i, annotaciyu (ne menee 200 slov) i klyuchevye slova; polnyy tekst, spisok procitirovannoy literatury (ne menee 15 istochnikov); svedeniya ob avtorah, vklyuchaya adres perepiski, mesto raboty, strukturnoe podrazdelenie, telefon, adres elektronnoy pochty, dolzhnost', uchenuyu stepen' i uchenoe zvanie s polnym perevodom dannyh svedeniy na angliyskiy yazyk.

Fayl imenuetsya po familii pervogo avtora i numeruetsya.

3. Soprovoditel'nye dokumenty dolzhny vklyuchat':

- tekst stat'i, podpisannyy vsemi soavtorami, kotorye podpis'yu soglashayutsya s poryadkom perechisleniya avtorov v zaglavii, i podtverzhdayut svoy vklad v rezul'taty, predstavlennye v stat'e;

- risunki, vklyuchaya fotografii, grafiki, kachestvom ne menee 300 dpi, kazhdyy otdel'nym faylom jpeg ili png;

- ekspertnoe zaklyuchenie o vozmozhnosti opublikovaniya v otkrytoy pechati, utverzhdennoe rukovoditelem sootvetstvuyuschey organizacii;

- spravku o proverke original'nosti stat'i programmoy «Antiplagiat» (pri etom stepen' original'nosti raboty v toy ee chasti, gde izlozheny rezul'taty provedennogo issledovaniya, dolzhna byt' ne menee 75%).

Soprovoditel'nye dokumenty imenuyutsya po familii pervogo avtora, i numeruyutsya.

4. Tekst stat'i dolzhen byt' napechatan v redaktore «Word», parametry stranicy: verhnee pole 2 sm, nizhnee - 1.5 sm, levoe – 1,75, pravoe - po 2 sm, verhniy kolontitul - 1.0 sm, nizhniy - 1.5 sm; shrift teksta stat'i - Times New Roman Cyr 10 pt cherez odin interval.

Shrift klyuchevyh slov, annotacii, Literatury i svedeniy ob avtorah - 9 pt; podstrochnye i nadstrochnye indeksy - 10 pt shrifta Arial. Abzacnyy otstup – 0,5 sm. Klyuchevye frazy teksta mogut byt' vydeleny kursivom. Ispol'zovanie zhirnogo shrifta, podcherkivaniya, otlichnyh ot odinarnogo mezhstrochnyh intervalov, a takzhe oformlenie otstupov probelami ne dopuskayutsya. Nomera stranic prostavlyayutsya v centre nizhnego kolontitula.

Original'naya (issledovatel'skaya) stat'ya ne dolzhna prevyshat' po ob'emu 10 stranic Zhurnal'nogo teksta (s uchetom risunkov i tablic).

Obzornye stat'i napravlyayutsya v Redakciyu Zhurnala, kak pravilo, po predvaritel'nomu soglasovaniyu s Glavnym redaktorom Zhurnala i/ili ego zamestitelyami. Pri podgotovke obzornyh statey avtoram neobhodimo prinimat' vo vnimanie sleduyuschee:

a) kak minimum odin iz avtorov obzornoy stat'i dolzhen imet' sobstvennye publikacii po tematike dannoy stat'i v avtoritetnyh nauchnyh Zhurnalah, indeksiruemyh ili v Perechne VAK RF, ili v Web of Science, ili v Scopus; pri etom v spiske literatury k dannoy obzornoy stat'e dolzhno byt' predstavleno ne menee 2 takih publikaciy;

b) soderzhanie obzornoy stat'i pomimo vsego prochego dolzhno ohvatyvat' takzhe dostizheniya poslednih let v dannoy oblasti nauki, opublikovannye kak v rossiyskoy, tak i zarubezhnoy nauchnoy literature (preimuschestvenno v zhurnalah, indeksiruemyh v Web of Science i/ili Scopus); pri etom obschee chislo procitirovannyh v takoy stat'e rabot (i sootvetstvenno ssylok v spiske literatury k stat'e) dolzhno byt' ne menee 40. Krayne nezhelatel'ny ssylki na tezisy dokladov lokal'nyh konferenciy i massovye ssylki na materialy konferenciy;

v) k publikacii v Zhurnale mogut byt' predstavleny takzhe t.n. avtorskie obzory, v kotoryh osuschestvleny sistematizaciya, analiz i obobschenie rabot, opublikovannyh preimuschestvenno samimi avtorami obzornoy stat'i; v takom sluchae, odnako, avtory dolzhny ubeditel'no obosnovat' (v soprovoditel'nom pis'me v redakciyu Zhurnala ili v vvodnoy chasti stat'i), chto oni razvivayut unikal'noe nauchnoe napravlenie v sootvetstvuyuschey otrasli nauki i zanimayut v etom napravlenii lidiruyuschie pozicii.

5. Matematicheskie i himicheskie simvoly v formulah i uravneniyah dolzhny byt' nabrany v odnom iz formul'nyh redaktorov. Poskol'ku maket Zhurnala dvuhpolosnyy, formuly, predstavlennye v stat'e, dolzhny po razmeru pomeschat'sya v odnu polosu, t.e. imet' razmer ne bolee, chem 5´8 sm.

6. Tekst stat'i dolzhen soderzhat' ishodnye (v tom chisle literaturnye) dannye i cel' raboty, dlya rabot eksperimental'nogo haraktera – eksperimental'nuyu chast' (reagenty, apparatura, osnovnye metodiki), rezul'taty i ih obsuzhdenie, spisok literatury. Sleduet priderzhivat'sya edinic izmereniya i terminologii, rekomenduemyh IYuPAK. Vse ispol'zuemye uslovnye oboznacheniya i sokrascheniya dolzhny byt' rasshifrovany pri pervom upominanii o nih v dannoy stat'e. Drobnye chasti chisel ot celyh otdelyayutsya tochkoy.

Dublirovanie dannyh v tekste, tablicah, risunkah, a takzhe ih ispol'zovanie v tablicah, ne obsuzhdaemyh v tekste literaturnyh dannyh, ne dopuskayutsya.

7. Ispol'zovanie risunkov dolzhno diktovat'sya neobhodimost'yu bolee yasnogo ponimaniya izlagaemogo materiala i ne dolzhno byt' samocel'yu. V odnoy stat'e dolzhno byt' ne bolee 5 (pyati) risunkov (s obyazatel'noy ssylkoy na kazhdyy iz nih v tekste stat'i). Risunok s razdeleniem na (a) i (b) chasti schitaetsya kak Ris.1 i Ris.2. Kazhdyy risunok dolzhen imet' format ne bolee chem 5x8 sm i v vide, prigodnom dlya neposredstvennogo vosproizvedeniya pri pechati. Risunki mogut vklyuchat' nevydelennye kratkie cifrovye ili bukvennye oboznacheniya (numeruemye sleva napravo ili pri dvizhenii po chasovoy strelke), nabrannye sootvetstvuyuschim ostal'nomu tekstu shriftom; razmer lyubyh oboznacheniy na risunkah vybiraetsya v predelah 12-14 pt. Format risunka sleduet vybirat' s uchetom predstavlennogo izobrazheniya dlya isklyucheniya znachitel'nyh svobodnyh poley. Risunki dolzhny byt' vklyucheny v sostav fayla, prichem zhelatel'no neposredstvenno posle pervogo upominaniya o nih v tekste stat'i. Podpisi k risunkam dolzhny soderzhat' slovo «Ris.» (probel), nomer risunka arabskimi ciframi, tire, probel, nazvanie s zaglavnoy bukvy (bez tochki v konce predlozheniya).

8. Publikaciya mozhet vklyuchat' ne bolee chem 4 tablicy. Tablicy dolzhny soderzhat' slovo «Tablica» v levom verhnem uglu bez otstupa (probel), nomer tablicy ciframi (esli ih bolee odnoy), tire, probel, nazvanie s bol'shoy bukvy. Soderzhimoe yacheek sleduet raspolagat' po centru. Shirina tablicy dolzhna byt' ne bolee 8 sm. Esli tablica zanimaet bolee odnoy stranicy, nizhe shapki tablicy na pervoy stranice raspolagaetsya stroka numeracii kolonok - po poryadku sleva napravo, vtoraya i posleduyuschaya stranicy nachinayutsya slovami «Prodolzhenie tablicy (probel, nomer, tochka)», dalee povtoryaetsya stroka numeracii. Tablicy razmerom menee odnoy stranicy razryvat' ne sleduet. Razmery yacheek i tablicy v celom sleduet po vozmozhnosti minimizirovat'.

V tablicy vklyuchayutsya tol'ko neobhodimye cifrovye dannye. Material dolzhen byt' metrologicheski obrabotan (ukazany chislo izmereniy, pogreshnost' i t.p.). Ssylki na tablicy v tekste stat'i obyazatel'ny. Tablicy dolzhny byt' vklyucheny v sostav fayla, zhelatel'no neposredstvenno posle privodimoy na nih ssylki v tekste stat'i.

9. V isklyuchitel'nyh sluchayah, esli vypolnenie trebovaniy k formatirovaniyu formul, tablic i risunkov privodit k iskazheniyu predstavlyaemoy informacii, vozmozhno ih raspolozhenie po shirine odnoy polosy s posleduyuschim oformleniem teksta soglasno Pravilam.

10. Citiruemaya literatura numeruetsya v poryadke upominaniya, v tekste poryadkovyy nomer ssylki zaklyuchaetsya v kvadratnye skobki. V spiske literatury k original'noy stat'e dolzhno byt' ne menee 15 istochnikov. Ssylka na stat'i iz Zhurnalov dolzhna imet' indeks DOI. Rekomenduetsya ispol'zovat' v kachestve istochnikov v pervuyu ochered' raboty, opublikovannye v techenie poslednih 5-10 let. Spisok ispol'zuemoy literatury pomeschaetsya v konce stat'i i oformlyaetsya bez abzacnyh otstupov v sootvetstvii s Pravilami oformleniya literatury (privodyatsya nizhe).

Numeraciya i vklyuchenie v spisok vseh upomyanutyh v stat'e literaturnyh istochnikov obyazatel'ny. Ssylki na stat'i, nahodyaschiesya v pechati, ne dopuskayutsya. Stat'ya, v kotoroy ne soderzhatsya ssylki na literaturnye istochniki, ne budet prinyata k dal'neyshemu rassmotreniyu.

11. Na posledney stranice stat'i, posle privedennogo spiska literatury, neobhodimo ukazat' svedeniya ob avtorah: F.I.O., zvanie, dolzhnost', strukturnoe podrazdelenie, organizaciya, e-mail, s polnym perevodom dannyh svedeniy na angliyskiy yazyk.

12.  Materialy statey, ne otvechayuschie kakomu-libo trebovaniyu «Pravil dlya avtorov» vozvraschayutsya avtoram cherez platformu po rabote s nauchnymi stat'yami na sayte Zhurnala. Pri povtornom predstavlenii takoy stat'i srok ee podachi obnovlyaetsya.

13. Na dorabotku stat'i posle nauchnogo redaktirovaniya avtoram predostavlyaetsya, kak pravilo, ne bolee odnoy nedeli. Pri neobhodimosti avtory stat'i imeyut pravo prosit' redakciyu ob uvelichenii dannogo sroka, no ne bolee chem do 1 mesyaca. Na stadii podgotovki ocherednogo vypuska Zhurnala redakcionnaya kollegiya ostavlyaet za soboy pravo konkursnogo otbora materialov.

14. Avtory nesut otvetstvennost' za pravil'nost' izlozheniya materiala i ispol'zovaniya special'nyh terminov. Podgotovka redakciey korrektury statey dlya posleduyuschego prosmotra ee avtorami stat'i v Zhurnale ne predusmatrivaetsya.

15. Vse opublikovannye v Zhurnale stat'i vystavlyayutsya na Internet-stranice Zhurnala v Nauchnoy elektronnoy biblioteke  e-library  https://www.elibrary.ru/title_about.asp?id=8488 v otkrytom dostupe (Open Access), na stranice Zhurnala na sayte KNITU https://www.kstu.ru/article.jsp?id_e=23840&id=1910 i na platforme po rabote s nauchnymi stat'yami Zhurnala https://vestniktu.ru/ru/nauka/journal/193/view. Plata za publikaciyu statey v Zhurnale i Open Access s avtorov statey ne vzimaetsya.


Rasprostranenie vseh nomerov (vypuskov) Zhurnala osuschestvlyaetsya po tehnologicheskim vuzam i krupnym bibliotekam RF.


Pravila oformleniya literatury



1. V Zhurnale ustanovlena sleduyuschaya edinaya posledovatel'nost' izlozheniya soderzhascheysya v publikuemyh stat'yah bibliograficheskoy informacii dlya vseh osnovnyh citiruemyh literaturnyh istochnikov (statey, knig, izobreteniy, dissertaciy i tezisov dokladov na razlichnyh konferenciyah), a imenno: 

1.1. Dlya statey:

v Zhurnalah i inyh periodicheskih izdaniyah – Inicialy, Familii VSEH avtorov v ukazannom v stat'e poryadke na yazyke ee originala. Prinyataya abbreviatura nazvaniya citiruemogo zhurnala, Nomer toma zhurnala (izdaniya), godichnyy nomer vypuska (esli takovoy suschestvuet), nachal'naya stranica – konechnaya stranica stat'i v Zhurnale (izdanii) (god vyhoda Zhurnala v svet), DOI (naprimer: O.V. Mikhailov, Arab. J. Chem., 10, 1, 47-67 (2017). DOI: 10.1016/j.arabjc.2016.10.014). Esli v citiruemom zhurnale prinyaty vyhodnye dannye s ukazaniem lish' nomera stat'i, a ne poryadkovyh nomerov ee nachal'noy i konechnoy stranic (chto v poslednee vremya poluchilo bol'shoe rasprostranenie v periodicheskih izdaniyah), to analogichnym obrazom ukazyvayutsya nomer toma, godichnyy nomer vypuska i god ee publikacii, a vmesto nomerov stranic pishetsya Article No (naprimer, A.R. Khamatgalimov, V.I. Kovalenko, Int. J. Mol. Sci., 22, 7, Article 3760 (2021). DOI: 10.3390/ijms22073760).  

V sluchae, esli Zhurnal imeet perevodnoy analog v spiske literatury mozhno ukazyvat' takzhe ssylki na angloyazychnuyu versiyu. Eto pozvolit izbezhat' oshibok pri citirovanii i ocenke vostrebovannosti rezul'tatov konkretnyh issledovaniy, i oblegchit poisk stat'i v bazah dannyh. Neobhodimo ukazyvat' DOI statey teh izdaniy, gde on prisvoen (naprimer: A.F. Dresvyannikov, M.E. Kolpakov, E.A. Ermolaeva, Neorg. Mater. 56, 3, 261-265 (2020). DOI: 10.31857/S0002337X2003001X), libo analog na inostrannom yazyke: A.F. Dresvyannikov, M.E. Kolpakov, E.A. Ermolaeva, Inorg. Mater., 56, 3, 249-253 (2020). DOI:10.1134/S0020168520030012).

v sbornikah i knigah – Inicialy, Familii VSEH avtorov v ukazannom v stat'e poryadke na yazyke ee originala. V sb. (V kn.) Nazvanie sbornika (ili knigi), izdatel'stvo, gorod, god izdaniya, nomera citiruemyh stranic (naprimer: G.I. Lihtenshteyn, V sb. Okislitel'no-vosstanovitel'nye metallofermenty i ih modeli. Ch. I. IHF AN SSSR, Chernogolovka, 1982. S. 7-10, 13, 16);

1.2. Dlya knig i monografiy:

– pri citirovanii ih v celom – Inicialy, Familii vseh avtorov v ukazannom v knige poryadke na yazyke ee originala. Nazvanie, Izdatel'stvo, gorod, god izdaniya. Obschee chislo stranic (naprimer: D. Perrin, Organicheskie analiticheskie reagenty. Mir, Moskva, 1967. 407 s.);

pri citirovanii ih otdel'nyh stranic – Inicialy, Familii vseh avtorov v ukazannom v knige poryadke na yazyke ee originala. Nazvanie, Izdatel'stvo, Gorod, nomera citiruemyh stranic (naprimer: D. Perrin, Organicheskie analiticheskie reagenty. Mir, Moskva, 1967, S. 224-227);

1.3. Dlya izobreteniy – sokraschenie ot slova «Patent» ili ot slovosochetaniya «Avtorskoe svidetel'stvo», nazvanie strany, patentnym vedomstvom kotoroy on vydan, nomer patenta, (god vydachi patenta)  [naprimer, Pat. SShA 4.318.977 (1982), Avt. svid. SSSR 1.340.410 (1987)];

1.4. Dlya dissertaciy – Inicialy, Familiya avtora, ukazanie uchenoy stepeni i nauk, organizaciya – mesto ee vypolneniya, gorod, gde eto mesto nahoditsya, god vyhoda v svet, obschee chislo stranic   [naprimer, T.N. Lomova. Diss. dokt. him. nauk,  In-t himii nevodnyh rastvorov AN SSSR, Ivanovo, 1990. 456 s.];

dlya avtoreferatov dissertaciy – Inicialy, Familiya avtora, ukazanie slova «Avtoreferat», uchenoy stepeni i nauk, organizaciya – mesto ee zaschity, gorod, gde eto mesto nahoditsya, god vyhoda v svet, obschee chislo stranic  [naprimer, P.V. Guschin. Avtoref. diss. kand. him. nauk,  Sankt-Peterburgskiy gos. un-t, Sankt-Peterburg, 2010.  16 s.];

1.5. Dlya tezisov dokladov – Inicialy, Familii vseh avtorov v ukazannom v sbornike tezisov poryadke na yazyke ego originala. Nazvanie konferencii, simpoziuma, s'ezda (Mesto provedeniya, sroki provedeniya), Izdatel'stvo (esli ukazano), Gorod, god izdaniya, tom izdaniya (esli imeetsya), nachal'naya–konechnaya stranicy (naprimer: S.I. Dorovskikh, L.N. Zelenina, N.B. Morozova, I.K. Igumenov, XVIII International Conference on Chemical Thermodynamics in Russia (Samara, Russia, October 3-7, 2011). Abstacts. Samara, 2011. Volume 1. P. 83-84.

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3.1. Sbor materialov

3.1.1 Podgotovlennye k publikacii teksty statey i soprovoditel'nye materialy v sootvetstvii s Prilozheniem 2 k dannomu Polozheniyu avtory dolzhny napravlyat' v redakciyu, avtorizovavshis' v platforme po rabote  s nauchnymi stat'yami na sayte Zhurnala po adresu https://vestniktu.ru/, s posleduyuschim predostavleniem vseh pechatnyh originalov.

3.1.2 Stat'ya, predstavlennaya v Zhurnal s narusheniem Pravil dlya avtorov, vozvraschaetsya avtoram na dorabotku s kommentariyami cherez platformu po rabote s nauchnymi stat'yami Zhurnala. V etom sluchae, stat'ya schitaetsya podannoy v redakciyu s momenta vypolneniya vseh neobhodimyh trebovaniy.

3.1.3 V sluchae polucheniya stat'i ot sotrudnikov storonnih organizaciy Redakciya obyazana podtverdit' avtoram poluchenie rukopisi i prinyat' ee v rabotu ne pozdnee 10 dney so dnya ee postupleniya v Redakciyu.

3.1.4 Pechatnye dokumenty, predstavlennye avtorami vmeste so stat'ey, hranyatsya v Redakcii Zhurnala. Posle sdachi maketa Zhurnala v Izdatel'stvo komplekt dokumentov hranitsya v techenie 6 mesyacev s momenta rassylki nomera Zhurnala.

3.1.5 «Portfel'» sootvetstvuyuschego nomera Zhurnala formiruetsya v nachale i seredine kazhdogo mesyaca otvetstvennym sekretarem.

3.1.6 Publikaciya statey v Zhurnale, kak pravilo, osuschestvlyaetsya v poryadke ocherednosti postupleniya rukopisey v redakciyu. V otdel'nyh sluchayah redakcionnaya kollegiya Zhurnala imeet pravo izmenit' ocherednost' publikacii teh ili inyh statey.

3.1.7 V sluchae, esli redakcionnaya kollegiya ne razdelyaet kakih-libo vzglyadov avtorov prinyatoy k publikacii stat'i, ona vprave sdelat' ob etom podstrochnoe primechanie. Rukopisi, pechataemye v poryadke obsuzhdeniya, mogut takzhe snabzhat'sya sootvetstvuyuschim podstrochnym primechaniem.


3.2 Nauchnoe redaktirovanie

3.2.1 Nauchnye stat'i, podannye v redakciyu Zhurnala, podvergayutsya recenzirovaniyu.

3.2.2 Recenzirovanie postupivshih statey, kak pravilo, osuschestvlyayut chleny redakcionnoy kollegii Zhurnala v poryadke i v sroki, ogovorennye v Polozhenii o recenzirovanii statey Zhurnala «Vestnik tehnologicheskogo universiteta» (Prilozhenie 3).

3.2.3 Vse predstavlennye stat'i podlezhat odnostoronnemu slepomu recenzirovaniyu: oni otpravlyayutsya s imenem avtora nezavisimym anonimnym recenzentam. Avtory dolzhny operativno otvechat' na voprosy i kommentarii recenzentov, kotorye budut peredany redaktorom sootvetstvuyuschemu avtoru.

3.2.4 Redakciya Zhurnala vprave organizovat' recenzirovanie predstavlennyh rukopisey nezavisimymi ekspertami iz chisla avtoritetnyh uchenyh v dannoy oblasti, kotorye dolzhny dat' argumentirovannoe zaklyuchenie (do 1 str.) o nauchnoy cennosti predstavlennogo materiala i ego sootvetstvii trebovaniyam Zhurnala. V sluchae otkloneniya stat'i, redakciya dolzhna soobschit' avtoram motivirovannoe obosnovanie otkaza v publikacii i/ili napravit' im kopiyu otzyva. Familiya recenzenta mozhet byt' soobschena avtoram stat'i lish' s soglasiya samogo recenzenta.

3.2.5 V tom sluchae, kogda po voprosu publikacii stat'i sredi chlenov redakcionnoy kollegii voznikayut raznoglasiya, to dannyy vopros reshaetsya na redakcionnoy kollegii prostym bol'shinstvom golosov. Pri ravnom chisle golosov reshayuschim yavlyaetsya golos Glavnogo redaktora Zhurnala ili ego zamestitelya, veduschego dannoe zasedanie redkollegii.

P O L O Zh E N I E

o poryadke recenzirovaniya statey dlya Zhurnala

«Vestnik tehnologicheskogo universiteta»


  1. Obschie polozheniya

Stat'i, napravlyaemye v «Vestnik tehnologicheskogo universiteta», podvergayutsya nezavisimomu recenzirovaniyu (peer review). Recenzirovanie osuschestvlyaetsya odnim ili neskol'kimi chlenami redakcionnoy kollegii v zakrytoy forme.

1.2. Recenzirovanie provoditsya posle peredachi ekzemplyara stat'i otvetstvennym sekretarem Zhurnala  chlenu redakcionnoy kollegii po sootvetstvuyuschemu napravleniyu. Na recenzirovanie stat'ya peredaetsya chlenu redakcionnoy kollegii v elektronnom formate cherez platformu po rabote s nauchnymi stat'yami Zhurnala.

1.3. Poluchivshiy stat'yu chlen redakcionnoy kollegii Zhurnala obyazan oznakomit'sya s ney v techenie dvuh nedel' i v techenie odnogo mesyaca dat' zaklyuchenie o vozmozhnosti (nevozmozhnosti) ee opublikovaniya. Recenzirovanie yavlyaetsya odinarnym, «slepym», bez ukazaniya FIO recenzenta. V te zhe sroki nauchnyy recenzent vprave dopolnitel'no privlech' k recenzirovaniyu specialistov po tematike publikacii (odnogo ili neskol'kih – po neobhodimosti). Posle provedeniya recenzirovaniya stat'ya vmeste s recenziey napravlyaetsya cherez platformu po rabote s nauchnymi stat'yami Zhurnala otvetstvennomu sekretaryu Zhurnala.

1.4. Chleny redakcionnoy kollegii Zhurnala berut na sebya obyazatel'stva v tom, chto prislannye im rukopisi yavlyayutsya intellektual'noy sobstvennost'yu avtorov i otnosyatsya k svedeniyam, ne podlezhaschim razglasheniyu. Recenzentam ne razreshaetsya delat' kopii s recenziruemyh im statey i ispol'zovat' ih dlya svoih nuzhd. Narushenie konfidencial'nosti vozmozhno tol'ko v sluchae zayavleniya o nedostovernosti ili fal'sifikacii materialov, soderzhaschihsya v recenziruemoy stat'e.


2. Oformlenie recenzii

2.1. Nezavisimo ot togo, rekomendovana li dannaya stat'ya dlya opublikovaniya (s zamechaniyami ili bez takovyh), ili zhe otklonena recenzentom, ona dolzhna soprovozhdat'sya recenziey (ili recenziyami). V recenzii ukazyvaetsya nazvanie stat'i, avtory, napravlenie zhurnala, v kotorom, po mneniyu recenzenta mozhet byt' opublikovana stat'ya, oceneny original'nost' i dostovernost' dannyh, a takzhe sootvetstvie profilyu nauchnoy special'nosti, chetkost' informacii, predstavlennoy v annotacii, yasnost' izlozheniya stat'i. V recenzii dolzhny byt' ukazany vse trebuyuschie dorabotki zamechaniya ili prichiny otkaza v opublikovanii. Recenziya dolzhna byt' predstavlena dopolnitel'no otvetstvennomu sekretaryu redkollegii v elektronnom (.pdf) formate, zaverennaya lichnoy podpis'yu recenzenta dlya hraneniya i predostavleniya v VAK po trebovaniyu v techenie 5 let.

2.2. V rezul'tate rassmotreniya stat'i recenzent mozhet prinyat' reshenie o celesoobraznosti peredachi stat'i v drugoy razdel Zhurnala i vozvratit' recenziruemye materialy avtoru(am) na dorabotku.

Subscription index No. 20812.

The information is posted on the website of the United Catalog "Press of Russia": www.pressa-rf.ru.

Publication of articles is carried out free of charge.

Publichnyy licenzionnyy dogovor-oferta


Redakciya zhurnala «Vestnik tehnologicheskogo universiteta» predlagaet Vam prisylat' svoi stat'i dlya publikacii na stranicah zhurnala, a takzhe na sayte Nauchnoy elektronnoy biblioteki (NEB) na bezvozmezdnoy osnove. Predostavlenie Avtorom svoego proizvedeniya yavlyaetsya polnym i bezogovorochnym akceptom, t.e. dannyy dogovor schitaetsya zaklyuchennym s soblyudeniem pis'mennoy formy. Prisylaya dlya publikacii proizvedenie, Avtor takzhe predostavlyaet Redakcii zhurnala prava na ispol'zovanie proizvedeniya i garantiruet, chto on obladaet dostatochnym ob'emom prav na peredavaemoe proizvedenie. Takzhe Avtor predostavlyaet Redakcii zhurnala pravo pereustupit' na dogovornyh usloviyah chastichno ili polnost'yu poluchennye po nastoyaschemu Dogovoru prava tret'im licam bez vyplaty Avtoru voznagrazhdeniya. Vse avtorskie prava reguliruyutsya v sootvetstvii s deystvuyuschim zakonodatel'stvom Rossii.

Romanova Raziya  — Head of the Publishing house
Kazan National Research Technological University
candidate of chemical sciences
Kazan', Kazan, Russian Federation
Dresvyannikov Aleksandr  — Deputy Editor-in-Chief
Kazan National Research Technological University
doctor of chemical sciences
Kazan, Russian Federation
Goryunova Svetlana  — Executive Secretary
Kazan National Research Technological University (AHSMK, Associate Professor)
candidate of chemical sciences
Russian Federation
Kazakov Yurij  — Editor-in-Chief
Kazan National Research Technological University
doctor of technical sciences
Kazan, Russian Federation
Mickailov Oleg  — Deputy Editor-in-Chief
Kazan National Research Technological University
doctor of chemical sciences
Kazan, Russian Federation
Novikova Svetlana  — Member of the Editorial Board
Kazan National Research Technological University
doctor of technical sciences
Kazan, Russian Federation
Stoyanov Oleg  — Member of the Editorial Board
Kazan National Research Technological University
doctor of technical sciences
Kazan, Russian Federation
Klinov Aleksandr  — Member of the Editorial Board
Kazan National Research Technological University
doctor of technical sciences
Kazan, Russian Federation
Ziatdinov Nadir  — Member of the Editorial Board
Kazan National Research Technological University
doctor of technical sciences
Kazan, Russian Federation
Ztnitova Lyubov  — Member of the Editorial Board
Kazan National Research Technological University
doctor of technical sciences
Kazan, Russian Federation
Bashkitseva Natalia Yur'evna  — Member of the Editorial Board
Kazan National Research Technological University
doctor of technical sciences
Kazan, Russian Federation
Burmistrov Aleksej Vasil'evich  — Member of the Editorial Board
Kazan National Research Technological University
doctor of technical sciences
Kazan, Russian Federation
Volfson Svetoslav Isaakovich  — Member of the Editorial Board
Kazan National Research Technological University
doctor of technical sciences
Russian Federation
Galyametdinov Yurij Gennad'evich  — Member of the Editorial Board
Kazan National Research Technological University
doctor of chemical sciences
Russian Federation
Gumerov Farid Muhamedovich  — Member of the Editorial Board
Kazan National Research Technological University
doctor of technical sciences
Russian Federation
Kuznetsov Andrej  — Member of the Editorial Board
Kazan National Research Technological University
doctor of chemical sciences
Russian Federation
Kharlampidi Kharlampij Evklidovich  — Member of the Editorial Board
Kazan National Research Technological University
doctor of chemical sciences
Russian Federation
Sisoev Vladislav Aleksandrovich  — Member of the Editorial Board
Kazan National Research Technological University
doctor of technical sciences
Russian Federation
Ponikarov Sergej Ivanovich  — Member of the Editorial Board
Kazan National Research Technological University
doctor of technical sciences
Russian Federation
Agafonov Aleksandr Viktorovich  — Member of the Editorial Board
Institute of Solution Chemistry of G.A. Krestov of the Russian Academy of Sciences
doctor of chemical sciences
Moscow, Russian Federation
Aslanov Leonid Aleksandrovich  — Member of the Editorial Board
Lomonosov Moscow State University
doctor of chemical sciences
Moscow, Russian Federation
Berlin Aleksandr Aleksandrovich  — Member of the Editorial Board
Semenov Institute of Chemical Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences
academician Russian Academy of Sciences ,
Moscow, Russian Federation
Sinyashin Oleg Gerol'dovich  — Member of the Editorial Board
Institute of Organic and Physical Chemistry RAS
doctor of chemical sciences
academician Russian Academy of Sciences ,
Russian Federation
Gudilin Evgenij Alekseevich  — Member of the Editorial Board
Lomonosov Moscow State University
professor ,
corresponding member Russian Academy of Sciences
Moscow, Russian Federation
Debabov Vladimir Georgievich  — Member of the Editorial Board
Institute of Molecular Genetics RAS
corresponding member Russian Academy of Sciences ,
Moscow, Russian Federation
Ishchenko Aleksandr Aleksandrovich  — Member of the Editorial Board
Moscow Technological University
doctor of chemical sciences
Moscow, Russian Federation
Linnikov Oleg Dmitrievich  — Member of the Editorial Board
Institute of Solid State Chemistry, Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
doctor of chemical sciences
Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation
lomova Tatiana Nikolaevna  — Member of the Editorial Board
Institute of Chemistry of Solutions RAS
doctor of chemical sciences
Moscow, Russian Federation
Noskov Aleksandr Stepanovich  — Member of the Editorial Board
Institute of Catalysis G.K. Boreskov SB RAS
doctor of technical sciences
Novosibirsk, Russian Federation
Panfilov Viktor Ivanovich  — Member of the Editorial Board
D.Mendeleyev University of Chemical Technology of Russia
doctor of technical sciences
Moscow, Russian Federation
Parmon Valentin Nikolaevich  — Member of the Editorial Board
Institute of Catalysis G.K. Boreskov SB RAS
academician Russian Academy of Sciences ,
Moscow, Russian Federation
Petrov Evgenij Anatol'evich  — Member of the Editorial Board
Polzunov Altai State Technical University
doctor of technical sciences
Barkaul, Russian Federation
Shcherbakov Igor Nikolaevich  — Member of the Editorial Board
Southern Federal University
doctor of chemical sciences
Rostov-on-Don, Russian Federation
Valente Artur  — Member of the Editorial Board
University of Coimbra
Cherkasov Artem Rafael'evich  — Member of the Editorial Board
University of British Columbia
Wilkie Charles  — Member of the Editorial Board
Marquette University
United States of America
Balköse Devrim  — Member of the Editorial Board
Izmir Institute of Technology
Kanaev Andrej Vladimirovich  — Member of the Editorial Board
Paris Nord University
Novakov Ivan Aleksandrovich  — Member of the Editorial Board
Volgograd State Technical University
academician Russian Academy of Sciences ,
Volgograd, Russian Federation
Haghi Akbar  — Member of the Editorial Board
Guilan University
Howell Bob  — Member of the Editorial Board
University of Michigan
United States of America
Ketata Ch.  — Member of the Editorial Board
Dalhousie University
Alymov Mihail Ivanovich  — Member of the Editorial Board
Institut strukturnoy makrokinetiki i problem materialovedeniya RAN (chlen-korr. RAN, d.t.n.)
Russian Federation
Vernigorov Konstantin Borisovich  — Member of the Editorial Board
Buryat State University named after Dorji Banzarov (General'nyy direktor OOO «Sibur PoliLab».)
candidate of chemical sciences
Russian Federation
Voznesenskiy Emil' Faatovich  — Member of the Editorial Board
Kazanskiy nacional'nyy issledovatel'skiy tehnologicheskiy universitet (PTNiP, professor)
doctor of technical sciences
Russian Federation
Dresvyannikov Aleksandr  — Member of the Editorial Board
Kazan National Research Technological University
doctor of chemical sciences
Kazan, Russian Federation
Mickailov Oleg  — Member of the Editorial Board
Kazan National Research Technological University
doctor of chemical sciences
Kazan, Russian Federation
Kazan National Research Technological University
Federal state budgetary educational institute "Kazan National Research Technological University"
The certificate of registration of the periodical


Pravila dlya avtorov


Zhurnal «Vestnik tehnologicheskogo universiteta» sostavlyaetsya iz original'nyh statey teoreticheskogo i eksperimental'nogo haraktera veduschih specialistov, rabotayuschih v razlichnyh oblastyah, razvivaemyh v nastoyaschee vremya v FGBOU VO «KNITU», nauchnyh i obrazovatel'nyh uchrezhdeniyah, promyshlennyh predpriyatiyah Respubliki Tatarstan, Rossiyskoy Federacii i za rubezhom, a takzhe nauchnyh obzorov, tematika kotoryh podpadaet pod kakoy-libo iz ukazannyh v p. 2.3 razdelov Zhurnala.

Pri oformlenii predstavlyaemyh k publikacii materialov sleduet priderzhivat'sya sleduyuschih perechislennyh nizhe obschih pravil:

1. Avtory napravlyayut podgotovlennyy k publikacii tekst stat'i i soprovoditel'nye dokumenty v redakcionnuyu kollegiyu Zhurnala, avtorizovavshis' v platforme po rabote  s nauchnymi stat'yami na sayte Zhurnala po adresu https://vestniktu.ru/, s posleduyuschim predostavleniem vseh pechatnyh originalov dokumentov, v tom chisle, teksta stat'i, podpisannogo vsemi avtorami, po adresu: korpus A Kazanskogo nacional'nogo issledovatel'skogo tehnologicheskogo universiteta, kom. 335 samostoyatel'no ili pochtovym otpravleniem po adresu: 420015, g. Kazan', ul. K. Marksa, d. 68, KNITU, zaveduyuschemu redakciey Zhurnala «Vestnika tehnologicheskogo universiteta».

Predostavlyaya materialy k publikacii, avtory dolzhny garantirovat', chto oni ranee nigde ne publikovalis' i ne nahodyatsya na rassmotrenii v drugih izdaniyah.

2. Elektronnyy variant stat'i oformlyaetsya v vide fayla stat'i v formate docx v dvuhpolosnoy forme i dolzhen soderzhat' (sm. primer nizhe): indeks UDK, dalee na russkom i angliyskom yazykah: inicialy i familii avtorov; nazvanie stat'i, annotaciyu (ne menee 200 slov) i klyuchevye slova; polnyy tekst, spisok procitirovannoy literatury (ne menee 15 istochnikov); svedeniya ob avtorah, vklyuchaya adres perepiski, mesto raboty, strukturnoe podrazdelenie, telefon, adres elektronnoy pochty, dolzhnost', uchenuyu stepen' i uchenoe zvanie s polnym perevodom dannyh svedeniy na angliyskiy yazyk.

Fayl imenuetsya po familii pervogo avtora i numeruetsya.

3. Soprovoditel'nye dokumenty dolzhny vklyuchat':

- tekst stat'i, podpisannyy vsemi soavtorami, kotorye podpis'yu soglashayutsya s poryadkom perechisleniya avtorov v zaglavii, i podtverzhdayut svoy vklad v rezul'taty, predstavlennye v stat'e;

- risunki, vklyuchaya fotografii, grafiki, kachestvom ne menee 300 dpi, kazhdyy otdel'nym faylom jpeg ili png;

- ekspertnoe zaklyuchenie o vozmozhnosti opublikovaniya v otkrytoy pechati, utverzhdennoe rukovoditelem sootvetstvuyuschey organizacii;

- spravku o proverke original'nosti stat'i programmoy «Antiplagiat» (pri etom stepen' original'nosti raboty v toy ee chasti, gde izlozheny rezul'taty provedennogo issledovaniya, dolzhna byt' ne menee 75%).

Soprovoditel'nye dokumenty imenuyutsya po familii pervogo avtora, i numeruyutsya.

4. Tekst stat'i dolzhen byt' napechatan v redaktore «Word», parametry stranicy: verhnee pole 2 sm, nizhnee - 1.5 sm, levoe – 1,75, pravoe - po 2 sm, verhniy kolontitul - 1.0 sm, nizhniy - 1.5 sm; shrift teksta stat'i - Times New Roman Cyr 10 pt cherez odin interval.

Shrift klyuchevyh slov, annotacii, Literatury i svedeniy ob avtorah - 9 pt; podstrochnye i nadstrochnye indeksy - 10 pt shrifta Arial. Abzacnyy otstup – 0,5 sm. Klyuchevye frazy teksta mogut byt' vydeleny kursivom. Ispol'zovanie zhirnogo shrifta, podcherkivaniya, otlichnyh ot odinarnogo mezhstrochnyh intervalov, a takzhe oformlenie otstupov probelami ne dopuskayutsya. Nomera stranic prostavlyayutsya v centre nizhnego kolontitula.

Original'naya (issledovatel'skaya) stat'ya ne dolzhna prevyshat' po ob'emu 10 stranic Zhurnal'nogo teksta (s uchetom risunkov i tablic).

Obzornye stat'i napravlyayutsya v Redakciyu Zhurnala, kak pravilo, po predvaritel'nomu soglasovaniyu s Glavnym redaktorom Zhurnala i/ili ego zamestitelyami. Pri podgotovke obzornyh statey avtoram neobhodimo prinimat' vo vnimanie sleduyuschee:

a) kak minimum odin iz avtorov obzornoy stat'i dolzhen imet' sobstvennye publikacii po tematike dannoy stat'i v avtoritetnyh nauchnyh Zhurnalah, indeksiruemyh ili v Perechne VAK RF, ili v Web of Science, ili v Scopus; pri etom v spiske literatury k dannoy obzornoy stat'e dolzhno byt' predstavleno ne menee 2 takih publikaciy;

b) soderzhanie obzornoy stat'i pomimo vsego prochego dolzhno ohvatyvat' takzhe dostizheniya poslednih let v dannoy oblasti nauki, opublikovannye kak v rossiyskoy, tak i zarubezhnoy nauchnoy literature (preimuschestvenno v zhurnalah, indeksiruemyh v Web of Science i/ili Scopus); pri etom obschee chislo procitirovannyh v takoy stat'e rabot (i sootvetstvenno ssylok v spiske literatury k stat'e) dolzhno byt' ne menee 40. Krayne nezhelatel'ny ssylki na tezisy dokladov lokal'nyh konferenciy i massovye ssylki na materialy konferenciy;

v) k publikacii v Zhurnale mogut byt' predstavleny takzhe t.n. avtorskie obzory, v kotoryh osuschestvleny sistematizaciya, analiz i obobschenie rabot, opublikovannyh preimuschestvenno samimi avtorami obzornoy stat'i; v takom sluchae, odnako, avtory dolzhny ubeditel'no obosnovat' (v soprovoditel'nom pis'me v redakciyu Zhurnala ili v vvodnoy chasti stat'i), chto oni razvivayut unikal'noe nauchnoe napravlenie v sootvetstvuyuschey otrasli nauki i zanimayut v etom napravlenii lidiruyuschie pozicii.

5. Matematicheskie i himicheskie simvoly v formulah i uravneniyah dolzhny byt' nabrany v odnom iz formul'nyh redaktorov. Poskol'ku maket Zhurnala dvuhpolosnyy, formuly, predstavlennye v stat'e, dolzhny po razmeru pomeschat'sya v odnu polosu, t.e. imet' razmer ne bolee, chem 5´8 sm.

6. Tekst stat'i dolzhen soderzhat' ishodnye (v tom chisle literaturnye) dannye i cel' raboty, dlya rabot eksperimental'nogo haraktera – eksperimental'nuyu chast' (reagenty, apparatura, osnovnye metodiki), rezul'taty i ih obsuzhdenie, spisok literatury. Sleduet priderzhivat'sya edinic izmereniya i terminologii, rekomenduemyh IYuPAK. Vse ispol'zuemye uslovnye oboznacheniya i sokrascheniya dolzhny byt' rasshifrovany pri pervom upominanii o nih v dannoy stat'e. Drobnye chasti chisel ot celyh otdelyayutsya tochkoy.

Dublirovanie dannyh v tekste, tablicah, risunkah, a takzhe ih ispol'zovanie v tablicah, ne obsuzhdaemyh v tekste literaturnyh dannyh, ne dopuskayutsya.

7. Ispol'zovanie risunkov dolzhno diktovat'sya neobhodimost'yu bolee yasnogo ponimaniya izlagaemogo materiala i ne dolzhno byt' samocel'yu. V odnoy stat'e dolzhno byt' ne bolee 5 (pyati) risunkov (s obyazatel'noy ssylkoy na kazhdyy iz nih v tekste stat'i). Risunok s razdeleniem na (a) i (b) chasti schitaetsya kak Ris.1 i Ris.2. Kazhdyy risunok dolzhen imet' format ne bolee chem 5x8 sm i v vide, prigodnom dlya neposredstvennogo vosproizvedeniya pri pechati. Risunki mogut vklyuchat' nevydelennye kratkie cifrovye ili bukvennye oboznacheniya (numeruemye sleva napravo ili pri dvizhenii po chasovoy strelke), nabrannye sootvetstvuyuschim ostal'nomu tekstu shriftom; razmer lyubyh oboznacheniy na risunkah vybiraetsya v predelah 12-14 pt. Format risunka sleduet vybirat' s uchetom predstavlennogo izobrazheniya dlya isklyucheniya znachitel'nyh svobodnyh poley. Risunki dolzhny byt' vklyucheny v sostav fayla, prichem zhelatel'no neposredstvenno posle pervogo upominaniya o nih v tekste stat'i. Podpisi k risunkam dolzhny soderzhat' slovo «Ris.» (probel), nomer risunka arabskimi ciframi, tire, probel, nazvanie s zaglavnoy bukvy (bez tochki v konce predlozheniya).

8. Publikaciya mozhet vklyuchat' ne bolee chem 4 tablicy. Tablicy dolzhny soderzhat' slovo «Tablica» v levom verhnem uglu bez otstupa (probel), nomer tablicy ciframi (esli ih bolee odnoy), tire, probel, nazvanie s bol'shoy bukvy. Soderzhimoe yacheek sleduet raspolagat' po centru. Shirina tablicy dolzhna byt' ne bolee 8 sm. Esli tablica zanimaet bolee odnoy stranicy, nizhe shapki tablicy na pervoy stranice raspolagaetsya stroka numeracii kolonok - po poryadku sleva napravo, vtoraya i posleduyuschaya stranicy nachinayutsya slovami «Prodolzhenie tablicy (probel, nomer, tochka)», dalee povtoryaetsya stroka numeracii. Tablicy razmerom menee odnoy stranicy razryvat' ne sleduet. Razmery yacheek i tablicy v celom sleduet po vozmozhnosti minimizirovat'.

V tablicy vklyuchayutsya tol'ko neobhodimye cifrovye dannye. Material dolzhen byt' metrologicheski obrabotan (ukazany chislo izmereniy, pogreshnost' i t.p.). Ssylki na tablicy v tekste stat'i obyazatel'ny. Tablicy dolzhny byt' vklyucheny v sostav fayla, zhelatel'no neposredstvenno posle privodimoy na nih ssylki v tekste stat'i.

9. V isklyuchitel'nyh sluchayah, esli vypolnenie trebovaniy k formatirovaniyu formul, tablic i risunkov privodit k iskazheniyu predstavlyaemoy informacii, vozmozhno ih raspolozhenie po shirine odnoy polosy s posleduyuschim oformleniem teksta soglasno Pravilam.

10. Citiruemaya literatura numeruetsya v poryadke upominaniya, v tekste poryadkovyy nomer ssylki zaklyuchaetsya v kvadratnye skobki. V spiske literatury k original'noy stat'e dolzhno byt' ne menee 15 istochnikov. Ssylka na stat'i iz Zhurnalov dolzhna imet' indeks DOI. Rekomenduetsya ispol'zovat' v kachestve istochnikov v pervuyu ochered' raboty, opublikovannye v techenie poslednih 5-10 let. Spisok ispol'zuemoy literatury pomeschaetsya v konce stat'i i oformlyaetsya bez abzacnyh otstupov v sootvetstvii s Pravilami oformleniya literatury (privodyatsya nizhe).

Numeraciya i vklyuchenie v spisok vseh upomyanutyh v stat'e literaturnyh istochnikov obyazatel'ny. Ssylki na stat'i, nahodyaschiesya v pechati, ne dopuskayutsya. Stat'ya, v kotoroy ne soderzhatsya ssylki na literaturnye istochniki, ne budet prinyata k dal'neyshemu rassmotreniyu.

11. Na posledney stranice stat'i, posle privedennogo spiska literatury, neobhodimo ukazat' svedeniya ob avtorah: F.I.O., zvanie, dolzhnost', strukturnoe podrazdelenie, organizaciya, e-mail, s polnym perevodom dannyh svedeniy na angliyskiy yazyk.

12.  Materialy statey, ne otvechayuschie kakomu-libo trebovaniyu «Pravil dlya avtorov» vozvraschayutsya avtoram cherez platformu po rabote s nauchnymi stat'yami na sayte Zhurnala. Pri povtornom predstavlenii takoy stat'i srok ee podachi obnovlyaetsya.

13. Na dorabotku stat'i posle nauchnogo redaktirovaniya avtoram predostavlyaetsya, kak pravilo, ne bolee odnoy nedeli. Pri neobhodimosti avtory stat'i imeyut pravo prosit' redakciyu ob uvelichenii dannogo sroka, no ne bolee chem do 1 mesyaca. Na stadii podgotovki ocherednogo vypuska Zhurnala redakcionnaya kollegiya ostavlyaet za soboy pravo konkursnogo otbora materialov.

14. Avtory nesut otvetstvennost' za pravil'nost' izlozheniya materiala i ispol'zovaniya special'nyh terminov. Podgotovka redakciey korrektury statey dlya posleduyuschego prosmotra ee avtorami stat'i v Zhurnale ne predusmatrivaetsya.

15. Vse opublikovannye v Zhurnale stat'i vystavlyayutsya na Internet-stranice Zhurnala v Nauchnoy elektronnoy biblioteke  e-library  https://www.elibrary.ru/title_about.asp?id=8488 v otkrytom dostupe (Open Access), na stranice Zhurnala na sayte KNITU https://www.kstu.ru/article.jsp?id_e=23840&id=1910 i na platforme po rabote s nauchnymi stat'yami Zhurnala https://vestniktu.ru/ru/nauka/journal/193/view. Plata za publikaciyu statey v Zhurnale i Open Access s avtorov statey ne vzimaetsya.


Rasprostranenie vseh nomerov (vypuskov) Zhurnala osuschestvlyaetsya po tehnologicheskim vuzam i krupnym bibliotekam RF.


Pravila oformleniya literatury



1. V Zhurnale ustanovlena sleduyuschaya edinaya posledovatel'nost' izlozheniya soderzhascheysya v publikuemyh stat'yah bibliograficheskoy informacii dlya vseh osnovnyh citiruemyh literaturnyh istochnikov (statey, knig, izobreteniy, dissertaciy i tezisov dokladov na razlichnyh konferenciyah), a imenno: 

1.1. Dlya statey:

v Zhurnalah i inyh periodicheskih izdaniyah – Inicialy, Familii VSEH avtorov v ukazannom v stat'e poryadke na yazyke ee originala. Prinyataya abbreviatura nazvaniya citiruemogo zhurnala, Nomer toma zhurnala (izdaniya), godichnyy nomer vypuska (esli takovoy suschestvuet), nachal'naya stranica – konechnaya stranica stat'i v Zhurnale (izdanii) (god vyhoda Zhurnala v svet), DOI (naprimer: O.V. Mikhailov, Arab. J. Chem., 10, 1, 47-67 (2017). DOI: 10.1016/j.arabjc.2016.10.014). Esli v citiruemom zhurnale prinyaty vyhodnye dannye s ukazaniem lish' nomera stat'i, a ne poryadkovyh nomerov ee nachal'noy i konechnoy stranic (chto v poslednee vremya poluchilo bol'shoe rasprostranenie v periodicheskih izdaniyah), to analogichnym obrazom ukazyvayutsya nomer toma, godichnyy nomer vypuska i god ee publikacii, a vmesto nomerov stranic pishetsya Article No (naprimer, A.R. Khamatgalimov, V.I. Kovalenko, Int. J. Mol. Sci., 22, 7, Article 3760 (2021). DOI: 10.3390/ijms22073760).  

V sluchae, esli Zhurnal imeet perevodnoy analog v spiske literatury mozhno ukazyvat' takzhe ssylki na angloyazychnuyu versiyu. Eto pozvolit izbezhat' oshibok pri citirovanii i ocenke vostrebovannosti rezul'tatov konkretnyh issledovaniy, i oblegchit poisk stat'i v bazah dannyh. Neobhodimo ukazyvat' DOI statey teh izdaniy, gde on prisvoen (naprimer: A.F. Dresvyannikov, M.E. Kolpakov, E.A. Ermolaeva, Neorg. Mater. 56, 3, 261-265 (2020). DOI: 10.31857/S0002337X2003001X), libo analog na inostrannom yazyke: A.F. Dresvyannikov, M.E. Kolpakov, E.A. Ermolaeva, Inorg. Mater., 56, 3, 249-253 (2020). DOI:10.1134/S0020168520030012).

v sbornikah i knigah – Inicialy, Familii VSEH avtorov v ukazannom v stat'e poryadke na yazyke ee originala. V sb. (V kn.) Nazvanie sbornika (ili knigi), izdatel'stvo, gorod, god izdaniya, nomera citiruemyh stranic (naprimer: G.I. Lihtenshteyn, V sb. Okislitel'no-vosstanovitel'nye metallofermenty i ih modeli. Ch. I. IHF AN SSSR, Chernogolovka, 1982. S. 7-10, 13, 16);

1.2. Dlya knig i monografiy:

– pri citirovanii ih v celom – Inicialy, Familii vseh avtorov v ukazannom v knige poryadke na yazyke ee originala. Nazvanie, Izdatel'stvo, gorod, god izdaniya. Obschee chislo stranic (naprimer: D. Perrin, Organicheskie analiticheskie reagenty. Mir, Moskva, 1967. 407 s.);

pri citirovanii ih otdel'nyh stranic – Inicialy, Familii vseh avtorov v ukazannom v knige poryadke na yazyke ee originala. Nazvanie, Izdatel'stvo, Gorod, nomera citiruemyh stranic (naprimer: D. Perrin, Organicheskie analiticheskie reagenty. Mir, Moskva, 1967, S. 224-227);

1.3. Dlya izobreteniy – sokraschenie ot slova «Patent» ili ot slovosochetaniya «Avtorskoe svidetel'stvo», nazvanie strany, patentnym vedomstvom kotoroy on vydan, nomer patenta, (god vydachi patenta)  [naprimer, Pat. SShA 4.318.977 (1982), Avt. svid. SSSR 1.340.410 (1987)];

1.4. Dlya dissertaciy – Inicialy, Familiya avtora, ukazanie uchenoy stepeni i nauk, organizaciya – mesto ee vypolneniya, gorod, gde eto mesto nahoditsya, god vyhoda v svet, obschee chislo stranic   [naprimer, T.N. Lomova. Diss. dokt. him. nauk,  In-t himii nevodnyh rastvorov AN SSSR, Ivanovo, 1990. 456 s.];

dlya avtoreferatov dissertaciy – Inicialy, Familiya avtora, ukazanie slova «Avtoreferat», uchenoy stepeni i nauk, organizaciya – mesto ee zaschity, gorod, gde eto mesto nahoditsya, god vyhoda v svet, obschee chislo stranic  [naprimer, P.V. Guschin. Avtoref. diss. kand. him. nauk,  Sankt-Peterburgskiy gos. un-t, Sankt-Peterburg, 2010.  16 s.];

1.5. Dlya tezisov dokladov – Inicialy, Familii vseh avtorov v ukazannom v sbornike tezisov poryadke na yazyke ego originala. Nazvanie konferencii, simpoziuma, s'ezda (Mesto provedeniya, sroki provedeniya), Izdatel'stvo (esli ukazano), Gorod, god izdaniya, tom izdaniya (esli imeetsya), nachal'naya–konechnaya stranicy (naprimer: S.I. Dorovskikh, L.N. Zelenina, N.B. Morozova, I.K. Igumenov, XVIII International Conference on Chemical Thermodynamics in Russia (Samara, Russia, October 3-7, 2011). Abstacts. Samara, 2011. Volume 1. P. 83-84.

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3.1. Sbor materialov

3.1.1 Podgotovlennye k publikacii teksty statey i soprovoditel'nye materialy v sootvetstvii s Prilozheniem 2 k dannomu Polozheniyu avtory dolzhny napravlyat' v redakciyu, avtorizovavshis' v platforme po rabote  s nauchnymi stat'yami na sayte Zhurnala po adresu https://vestniktu.ru/, s posleduyuschim predostavleniem vseh pechatnyh originalov.

3.1.2 Stat'ya, predstavlennaya v Zhurnal s narusheniem Pravil dlya avtorov, vozvraschaetsya avtoram na dorabotku s kommentariyami cherez platformu po rabote s nauchnymi stat'yami Zhurnala. V etom sluchae, stat'ya schitaetsya podannoy v redakciyu s momenta vypolneniya vseh neobhodimyh trebovaniy.

3.1.3 V sluchae polucheniya stat'i ot sotrudnikov storonnih organizaciy Redakciya obyazana podtverdit' avtoram poluchenie rukopisi i prinyat' ee v rabotu ne pozdnee 10 dney so dnya ee postupleniya v Redakciyu.

3.1.4 Pechatnye dokumenty, predstavlennye avtorami vmeste so stat'ey, hranyatsya v Redakcii Zhurnala. Posle sdachi maketa Zhurnala v Izdatel'stvo komplekt dokumentov hranitsya v techenie 6 mesyacev s momenta rassylki nomera Zhurnala.

3.1.5 «Portfel'» sootvetstvuyuschego nomera Zhurnala formiruetsya v nachale i seredine kazhdogo mesyaca otvetstvennym sekretarem.

3.1.6 Publikaciya statey v Zhurnale, kak pravilo, osuschestvlyaetsya v poryadke ocherednosti postupleniya rukopisey v redakciyu. V otdel'nyh sluchayah redakcionnaya kollegiya Zhurnala imeet pravo izmenit' ocherednost' publikacii teh ili inyh statey.

3.1.7 V sluchae, esli redakcionnaya kollegiya ne razdelyaet kakih-libo vzglyadov avtorov prinyatoy k publikacii stat'i, ona vprave sdelat' ob etom podstrochnoe primechanie. Rukopisi, pechataemye v poryadke obsuzhdeniya, mogut takzhe snabzhat'sya sootvetstvuyuschim podstrochnym primechaniem.


3.2 Nauchnoe redaktirovanie

3.2.1 Nauchnye stat'i, podannye v redakciyu Zhurnala, podvergayutsya recenzirovaniyu.

3.2.2 Recenzirovanie postupivshih statey, kak pravilo, osuschestvlyayut chleny redakcionnoy kollegii Zhurnala v poryadke i v sroki, ogovorennye v Polozhenii o recenzirovanii statey Zhurnala «Vestnik tehnologicheskogo universiteta» (Prilozhenie 3).

3.2.3 Vse predstavlennye stat'i podlezhat odnostoronnemu slepomu recenzirovaniyu: oni otpravlyayutsya s imenem avtora nezavisimym anonimnym recenzentam. Avtory dolzhny operativno otvechat' na voprosy i kommentarii recenzentov, kotorye budut peredany redaktorom sootvetstvuyuschemu avtoru.

3.2.4 Redakciya Zhurnala vprave organizovat' recenzirovanie predstavlennyh rukopisey nezavisimymi ekspertami iz chisla avtoritetnyh uchenyh v dannoy oblasti, kotorye dolzhny dat' argumentirovannoe zaklyuchenie (do 1 str.) o nauchnoy cennosti predstavlennogo materiala i ego sootvetstvii trebovaniyam Zhurnala. V sluchae otkloneniya stat'i, redakciya dolzhna soobschit' avtoram motivirovannoe obosnovanie otkaza v publikacii i/ili napravit' im kopiyu otzyva. Familiya recenzenta mozhet byt' soobschena avtoram stat'i lish' s soglasiya samogo recenzenta.

3.2.5 V tom sluchae, kogda po voprosu publikacii stat'i sredi chlenov redakcionnoy kollegii voznikayut raznoglasiya, to dannyy vopros reshaetsya na redakcionnoy kollegii prostym bol'shinstvom golosov. Pri ravnom chisle golosov reshayuschim yavlyaetsya golos Glavnogo redaktora Zhurnala ili ego zamestitelya, veduschego dannoe zasedanie redkollegii.

P O L O Zh E N I E

o poryadke recenzirovaniya statey dlya Zhurnala

«Vestnik tehnologicheskogo universiteta»


  1. Obschie polozheniya

Stat'i, napravlyaemye v «Vestnik tehnologicheskogo universiteta», podvergayutsya nezavisimomu recenzirovaniyu (peer review). Recenzirovanie osuschestvlyaetsya odnim ili neskol'kimi chlenami redakcionnoy kollegii v zakrytoy forme.

1.2. Recenzirovanie provoditsya posle peredachi ekzemplyara stat'i otvetstvennym sekretarem Zhurnala  chlenu redakcionnoy kollegii po sootvetstvuyuschemu napravleniyu. Na recenzirovanie stat'ya peredaetsya chlenu redakcionnoy kollegii v elektronnom formate cherez platformu po rabote s nauchnymi stat'yami Zhurnala.

1.3. Poluchivshiy stat'yu chlen redakcionnoy kollegii Zhurnala obyazan oznakomit'sya s ney v techenie dvuh nedel' i v techenie odnogo mesyaca dat' zaklyuchenie o vozmozhnosti (nevozmozhnosti) ee opublikovaniya. Recenzirovanie yavlyaetsya odinarnym, «slepym», bez ukazaniya FIO recenzenta. V te zhe sroki nauchnyy recenzent vprave dopolnitel'no privlech' k recenzirovaniyu specialistov po tematike publikacii (odnogo ili neskol'kih – po neobhodimosti). Posle provedeniya recenzirovaniya stat'ya vmeste s recenziey napravlyaetsya cherez platformu po rabote s nauchnymi stat'yami Zhurnala otvetstvennomu sekretaryu Zhurnala.

1.4. Chleny redakcionnoy kollegii Zhurnala berut na sebya obyazatel'stva v tom, chto prislannye im rukopisi yavlyayutsya intellektual'noy sobstvennost'yu avtorov i otnosyatsya k svedeniyam, ne podlezhaschim razglasheniyu. Recenzentam ne razreshaetsya delat' kopii s recenziruemyh im statey i ispol'zovat' ih dlya svoih nuzhd. Narushenie konfidencial'nosti vozmozhno tol'ko v sluchae zayavleniya o nedostovernosti ili fal'sifikacii materialov, soderzhaschihsya v recenziruemoy stat'e.


2. Oformlenie recenzii

2.1. Nezavisimo ot togo, rekomendovana li dannaya stat'ya dlya opublikovaniya (s zamechaniyami ili bez takovyh), ili zhe otklonena recenzentom, ona dolzhna soprovozhdat'sya recenziey (ili recenziyami). V recenzii ukazyvaetsya nazvanie stat'i, avtory, napravlenie zhurnala, v kotorom, po mneniyu recenzenta mozhet byt' opublikovana stat'ya, oceneny original'nost' i dostovernost' dannyh, a takzhe sootvetstvie profilyu nauchnoy special'nosti, chetkost' informacii, predstavlennoy v annotacii, yasnost' izlozheniya stat'i. V recenzii dolzhny byt' ukazany vse trebuyuschie dorabotki zamechaniya ili prichiny otkaza v opublikovanii. Recenziya dolzhna byt' predstavlena dopolnitel'no otvetstvennomu sekretaryu redkollegii v elektronnom (.pdf) formate, zaverennaya lichnoy podpis'yu recenzenta dlya hraneniya i predostavleniya v VAK po trebovaniyu v techenie 5 let.

2.2. V rezul'tate rassmotreniya stat'i recenzent mozhet prinyat' reshenie o celesoobraznosti peredachi stat'i v drugoy razdel Zhurnala i vozvratit' recenziruemye materialy avtoru(am) na dorabotku.

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Publichnyy licenzionnyy dogovor-oferta


Redakciya zhurnala «Vestnik tehnologicheskogo universiteta» predlagaet Vam prisylat' svoi stat'i dlya publikacii na stranicah zhurnala, a takzhe na sayte Nauchnoy elektronnoy biblioteki (NEB) na bezvozmezdnoy osnove. Predostavlenie Avtorom svoego proizvedeniya yavlyaetsya polnym i bezogovorochnym akceptom, t.e. dannyy dogovor schitaetsya zaklyuchennym s soblyudeniem pis'mennoy formy. Prisylaya dlya publikacii proizvedenie, Avtor takzhe predostavlyaet Redakcii zhurnala prava na ispol'zovanie proizvedeniya i garantiruet, chto on obladaet dostatochnym ob'emom prav na peredavaemoe proizvedenie. Takzhe Avtor predostavlyaet Redakcii zhurnala pravo pereustupit' na dogovornyh usloviyah chastichno ili polnost'yu poluchennye po nastoyaschemu Dogovoru prava tret'im licam bez vyplaty Avtoru voznagrazhdeniya. Vse avtorskie prava reguliruyutsya v sootvetstvii s deystvuyuschim zakonodatel'stvom Rossii.

Romanova Raziya  — Head of the Publishing house
Kazan National Research Technological University
candidate of chemical sciences

Kazan', Kazan, Russian Federation
Dresvyannikov Aleksandr  — Deputy Editor-in-Chief
Kazan National Research Technological University
doctor of chemical sciences

Kazan, Russian Federation
Goryunova Svetlana  — Executive Secretary
Kazan National Research Technological University (AHSMK, Associate Professor)
candidate of chemical sciences

Russian Federation
Kazakov Yurij  — Editor-in-Chief
Kazan National Research Technological University
doctor of technical sciences

Kazan, Russian Federation
Mickailov Oleg  — Deputy Editor-in-Chief
Kazan National Research Technological University
doctor of chemical sciences

Kazan, Russian Federation
Novikova Svetlana  — Member of the Editorial Board
Kazan National Research Technological University
doctor of technical sciences

Kazan, Russian Federation
Stoyanov Oleg  — Member of the Editorial Board
Kazan National Research Technological University
doctor of technical sciences

Kazan, Russian Federation
Klinov Aleksandr  — Member of the Editorial Board
Kazan National Research Technological University
doctor of technical sciences

Kazan, Russian Federation
Ziatdinov Nadir  — Member of the Editorial Board
Kazan National Research Technological University
doctor of technical sciences

Kazan, Russian Federation
Ztnitova Lyubov  — Member of the Editorial Board
Kazan National Research Technological University
doctor of technical sciences

Kazan, Russian Federation
Bashkitseva Natalia Yur'evna  — Member of the Editorial Board
Kazan National Research Technological University
doctor of technical sciences

Kazan, Russian Federation
Burmistrov Aleksej Vasil'evich  — Member of the Editorial Board
Kazan National Research Technological University
doctor of technical sciences

Kazan, Russian Federation
Volfson Svetoslav Isaakovich  — Member of the Editorial Board
Kazan National Research Technological University
doctor of technical sciences

Russian Federation
Galyametdinov Yurij Gennad'evich  — Member of the Editorial Board
Kazan National Research Technological University
doctor of chemical sciences

Russian Federation
Gumerov Farid Muhamedovich  — Member of the Editorial Board
Kazan National Research Technological University
doctor of technical sciences

Russian Federation
Kuznetsov Andrej  — Member of the Editorial Board
Kazan National Research Technological University
doctor of chemical sciences

Russian Federation
Kharlampidi Kharlampij Evklidovich  — Member of the Editorial Board
Kazan National Research Technological University
doctor of chemical sciences

Russian Federation
Sisoev Vladislav Aleksandrovich  — Member of the Editorial Board
Kazan National Research Technological University
doctor of technical sciences

Russian Federation
Ponikarov Sergej Ivanovich  — Member of the Editorial Board
Kazan National Research Technological University
doctor of technical sciences

Russian Federation
Agafonov Aleksandr Viktorovich  — Member of the Editorial Board
Institute of Solution Chemistry of G.A. Krestov of the Russian Academy of Sciences
doctor of chemical sciences

Moscow, Russian Federation
Aslanov Leonid Aleksandrovich  — Member of the Editorial Board
Lomonosov Moscow State University
doctor of chemical sciences

Moscow, Russian Federation
Berlin Aleksandr Aleksandrovich  — Member of the Editorial Board
Semenov Institute of Chemical Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences

academician Russian Academy of Sciences ,
Moscow, Russian Federation
Sinyashin Oleg Gerol'dovich  — Member of the Editorial Board
Institute of Organic and Physical Chemistry RAS
doctor of chemical sciences

academician Russian Academy of Sciences ,
Russian Federation
Gudilin Evgenij Alekseevich  — Member of the Editorial Board
Lomonosov Moscow State University

professor ,
corresponding member Russian Academy of Sciences
Moscow, Russian Federation
Debabov Vladimir Georgievich  — Member of the Editorial Board
Institute of Molecular Genetics RAS

corresponding member Russian Academy of Sciences ,
Moscow, Russian Federation
Ishchenko Aleksandr Aleksandrovich  — Member of the Editorial Board
Moscow Technological University
doctor of chemical sciences

Moscow, Russian Federation
Linnikov Oleg Dmitrievich  — Member of the Editorial Board
Institute of Solid State Chemistry, Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
doctor of chemical sciences

Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation
lomova Tatiana Nikolaevna  — Member of the Editorial Board
Institute of Chemistry of Solutions RAS
doctor of chemical sciences

Moscow, Russian Federation
Noskov Aleksandr Stepanovich  — Member of the Editorial Board
Institute of Catalysis G.K. Boreskov SB RAS
doctor of technical sciences

Novosibirsk, Russian Federation
Panfilov Viktor Ivanovich  — Member of the Editorial Board
D.Mendeleyev University of Chemical Technology of Russia
doctor of technical sciences

Moscow, Russian Federation
Parmon Valentin Nikolaevich  — Member of the Editorial Board
Institute of Catalysis G.K. Boreskov SB RAS

academician Russian Academy of Sciences ,
Moscow, Russian Federation
Petrov Evgenij Anatol'evich  — Member of the Editorial Board
Polzunov Altai State Technical University
doctor of technical sciences

Barkaul, Russian Federation
Shcherbakov Igor Nikolaevich  — Member of the Editorial Board
Southern Federal University
doctor of chemical sciences

Rostov-on-Don, Russian Federation
Valente Artur  — Member of the Editorial Board
University of Coimbra

Cherkasov Artem Rafael'evich  — Member of the Editorial Board
University of British Columbia

Wilkie Charles  — Member of the Editorial Board
Marquette University

United States of America
Balköse Devrim  — Member of the Editorial Board
Izmir Institute of Technology

Kanaev Andrej Vladimirovich  — Member of the Editorial Board
Paris Nord University

Novakov Ivan Aleksandrovich  — Member of the Editorial Board
Volgograd State Technical University

academician Russian Academy of Sciences ,
Volgograd, Russian Federation
Haghi Akbar  — Member of the Editorial Board
Guilan University

Howell Bob  — Member of the Editorial Board
University of Michigan

United States of America
Ketata Ch.  — Member of the Editorial Board
Dalhousie University

Alymov Mihail Ivanovich  — Member of the Editorial Board
Institut strukturnoy makrokinetiki i problem materialovedeniya RAN (chlen-korr. RAN, d.t.n.)

Russian Federation
Vernigorov Konstantin Borisovich  — Member of the Editorial Board
Buryat State University named after Dorji Banzarov (General'nyy direktor OOO «Sibur PoliLab».)
candidate of chemical sciences

Russian Federation
Voznesenskiy Emil' Faatovich  — Member of the Editorial Board
Kazanskiy nacional'nyy issledovatel'skiy tehnologicheskiy universitet (PTNiP, professor)
doctor of technical sciences

Russian Federation
Dresvyannikov Aleksandr  — Member of the Editorial Board
Kazan National Research Technological University
doctor of chemical sciences

Kazan, Russian Federation
Mickailov Oleg  — Member of the Editorial Board
Kazan National Research Technological University
doctor of chemical sciences

Kazan, Russian Federation

Kazakov Yuri Mikhailovich - Doctor of Technical Sciences, Acting Rector of the Kazan National Research Technological University.

Area of scientific interests – chemistry and technology of composite materials based on polyolefins.

Author of more than 100 scientific papers, 3 monographs, 9 patents.



The mission of the journal is information and methodological support of research in chemistry, chemical technology, informatics and management in technical systems, contributing to the transfer and accumulation of new scientific knowledge, the formation of the worldview of specialists and researchers of modern type for domestic science and industry.

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